
Islam 7.81 updated

Read and learn Holy Quran, 3D page animation, 35 languages, search engine, praying times and animation, background and text styles, Holy Qur'an MP3 player, creating Holy Qur'an HTML pages, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala names and meanings, 30 days...

Antiplagiarism - program will check if your diploma thesis is not a plagiarism. The Antiplagiarism software detects a possibility of commiting plagiarism with the highest efficiency among solutions available on the market. A professional system...


OpalCalc 1.90 updated

OpalCalc is a type of calculator for the PC. As easy to use as Notepad or a word processor, OpalCalc allows natural language in the sum and multi-line support so you can go back and adjust your previous calculations on the fly. For years, PC...

OpalCalc Portable

OpalCalc Portable 1.90 updated

OpalCalc is a brand new type of calculator for the PC. As easy to use as Notepad or a word processor, OpalCalc allows natural language in the sum and multi-line support so you can go back and adjust your previous calculations on the fly. For...


ScalarCalc 2.0 updated

ScalarCalc is a true Unit Calculator and Unit Converter. Do real math with units. For example, try multiplying 5 pounds(av) and 2 [inches/second/second]. The calculator automatically finds the result with the new units 115.21246198...